
  • Roulette is one of the oldest and most famous casino games. Players are required to predict where the ball will finally rest on the spinning wheel.
  • The excitement is in watching the roulette ball drops into one of the numbered slots on the wheel.
  • A variety of betting options are available.
  • Different coloured chips are used to differentiate each player’s bet.
  • The game of roulette is played against the House by betting with chips. The betting limits are displayed at the gaming table.
  • Just place your bets in the betting layout at the gaming table according to the described or accepted betting positions.
  • The game begins when the dealer turns the wheel in one direction and a roulette ball is sent spinning in the opposite direction.
  • When the ball slows down and is about to drop, the dealer will then ring the bell and announce “No more bets”.
  • The number and colour of the slot which the ball drops into is the winning number and colour.