峇冬加里路11公里处将于2025年3月25日至26日进行高架桥吊装与安装工程 | 了解更多
假冒网站警告 | READ MORE
网络赌博假视频 | 了解更多
峇冬加里 – 云顶路 (B66州级公路)重新开放 | 了解更多
官方澄清通告 | 了解更多
确保您的资料数据安全,免受欺诈活动侵害 | 了解更多
更新预订服务热线 | 了解更多
重要通知:未经授权使用云顶马来西亚的名字及商标进行网络赌博活动 | 了解更多
云顶世界的安全保障 | 了解更多
云顶高原名牌折扣购物中心路线更换通告 | 了解更多
未经授权的网页链接 | 了解更多
我们在2022年7月1日开始终止我们的一般事务查询热线 (+603 6101 1118)运作 | 了解更多
假新闻 | 了解更多
It has come to our attention that information regarding certain companies within the Genting Group and our resort properties, and of some of our Directors, has been used without our permission or authority in brochures, social medias, forums, messaging mobile applications and documents to recruit participants to a purported multi-level marketing, profit sharing and/or similar investment schemes.
Please take note that Genting Group does not operate or recruit participants to any sort of schemes and we take no responsibility for the contents contained in any such brochures, social medias, forums, messaging mobile applications and documents or for any loss suffered by anyone in connection with any such schemes.
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