Bridge Water


Functions of the Elevated Bridge

Bridge Water is a 100-meter-long elevated bridge that runs through a virgin forest enclave and over a fast-flowing river that cascades downhill. The elevated bridge was built taking into high consideration the minimal loss of the forest enclave which is frequented, if not daily, by 5 species of Primates and 20 species of Forest Birds. It is one of the many sites on the Awana Trail to sight Primates and Birds.






For Siamang Watching

This is a Primate Port for Megatron Siamang Family. Apart from this species of Lesser Apes, other monkey populations includes Pig Tailed Macaques, Long-tailed Macaques, Dusky Leaf Minkeys and Surili White-thighed Leaf Monkeys.



For Bird Watching

A special Bird Port is being set up on the elevated bridge to sight a variety of passerine birds including the occasional eagles and hornbills. The small forest bird species includes Barbets, Bulbuls, Nuthatchs, Flycatchers, Minivets, Kingfishers, Woodpecker, Drongo, Woodshrikes. Eagles includes Crested Serpent Eagle and the occasional Oriental Honey Buzzard. Hornbills includes Bushy Crested, Great and Rhinoceros Hornbills.





Firefly Sanctuary Ex Situ

Individual fireflies are frequently seen at night in this forest enclave, which may be due to the riparian habitat along the riverine. This is a unique ex situ firefly conservation initiative to establish a firefly sanctuary in the Genting Highlands' midhills. As a result, Lamprigera, a species of highland firefly, will be able to survive indefinitely. More firefly host trees known as Berembang, Sonneratia caseolaris, which can also be found in the midhills of Genting Highlands, will be planted along the river's banks.