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重要通知:未经授权使用云顶马来西亚的名字及商标进行网络赌博活动 | 了解更多
云顶世界的安全保障 | 了解更多
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Online frauds are getting more sophisticated and there are fraudulent emails or messaging service blasts being circulated requesting your verification of your personal particulars via an email or a website link. Be on an alert for these emails or messaging services blasting as there are maliciously sent from an external source. It is important for you to be aware of such fraudulent activities or otherwise known as "phishing" because of their attempt to "fish" for your personal information and get you to divulge important personal information such as your login IDs and passwords, PIN or account numbers and by visiting these sites you could place your computer at risk. Any information keyed in or replied will subsequently be captured by the malicious external party who sent the fraudulent email or messaging services.
It is imperative for you to protect yourself against fraudulent, malicious and phishing emails or messaging services. Please note that Genting Malaysia Berhad and/or its subsidiaries, related and associated companies (collectively referred to as “Genting Group”) shall never request such information from you via emails or messaging services which require your personal information and particulars through the email or website link. If you receive such emails or messaging services, please do not respond to it and delete it from your mailbox or phone.
Genting Group shall not be held responsible or liable as to any loss or damage suffered by you, to the full extent permitted by law, from all claims and demands of any kind, and from all liabilities and responsibilities which may arise in respect of your release or divulge of your personal information to such malicious email or website and your visit to these websites.
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