
在积极的革新下,云顶世界的The Olive餐厅蜕变成现代化的马来西亚美食专店。

地点: 云顶世界云豪酒店大厅 



位于云顶世界云豪酒店的 The Olive 已被重新改造为现代马来西亚美食的专门店,供应来自我国的各种传统美味的马来西亚菜肴。 The Olive 认为,马来文化当中蕴藏了取之不尽的烹饪智慧。



菜单上的丰富美食选项来自各种本地的著名道地美食,如 Roti Canai、Roti Telur 和 Roti Sardine (在平底锅上烤炙的扁平面包,可以是原味的,也可以是添加鸡蛋或沙丁鱼泥);以及典型的中式早餐,包括两个半生熟的鸡蛋、牛油及咖椰面包,以及热气腾腾的茶或咖啡等...这种特色美食亦被称为海南套餐。

这里也全天候供应精选的马来西亚小吃,其中包括 Kuih Cara,这是一种马来小麦蛋糕,里面塞满了鸡肉碎,上面放着 Serunding,这是一种干燥的、切碎的传统马来鸡肉干。精选的本地薯片 Kudapan (涂有甜辣酱的炸木薯粉、带炸凤尾鱼和花生的五香米粉饼干、咸香蕉饼干,以及 Lemang 和Rendang Tok(用竹子烹制的糯米的组合) ,配以慢煮、美味的干牛肉)。

一系列美味的开胃菜包括一种名为 Pecel 的传统爪哇“沙拉”,它结合了清蒸蔬菜和米饭块,并加入了丰富的花生酱。您还可以享用 Kerabu 或本地沙拉的三种变体:Pucuk Paku(嫩蕨菜沙拉)、Mangga Ikan Tenggiri(用鲭鱼和香料切碎的生芒果)以及用酸橙汁、糖和辣椒混合物调味的海鲜沙拉,配以鱿鱼、大虾和青口贝。

此外,Beriani 大米在菜单上也占有重要地位。The Olive 的版本是用竹筒烹制的。这道菜有三种变体,羊肉、龙虾和淡水虾。每道菜都配有黄瓜酱、木瓜和咖喱肉汁。

马来传统美食部份的精选菜品将带食客回到慢食是唯一已知的烹饪方式的时代,如 Gulai Ayam Kampung Nangka(红烧散养鸡配椰子奶油、咖喱香料和香草配菠萝蜜)、Daging Opor(慢煮牛肉、香料和椰子奶油配竹笋)和 Ikan Keli Bakar Masak Lemak Cili Padi(烤鲶鱼配辣椰子奶油慢煮)。

作为对马来烤肉传统的致敬,The Olive 提供一系列美味的烤海鲜和肉类,包括蜂蜜腌牛尾、葡萄牙卤汁虎虾和巨型鱿鱼。

餐点以精选的老式甜点结束,这些甜点的道地性得到严格遵守。这些范围包括 Cendol、Bubur Cha Cha、Som Som(糯米粉布丁、椰奶、棕榈糖浆和少许粗糖粉)。还有多种传统饮品可供选择,包括荔枝玫瑰糖浆、香草苏打水和龙眼香兰牛奶等。我们还提供从丰富的马来美食传统中汲取的特制无酒精鸡尾酒。

The Olive 是一家无猪肉餐厅,可容纳 85 人就座。

Zulfakha bin Ruzlan

Sous Chef Zulfakha Ruzlan delivers the authentic taste of local gastronomy at The Olive, Modern Malaysian Cuisine, Resorts World Genting. The 37-year-old chef from Perak joined Malaysia’s most popular mountain resort in 2021, where he cut his teeth on the flavours of the Indian continent at Spice Garden restaurant, Highlands Hotel, where he saw action during the Bollywood star-studded Indian Film Festival Awards.

He went on to hone his expertise in Indian cuisine at Resorts World Genting Hotel’s Kampong restaurant for seven years. He then moved to Coffee Terrace at Genting Grand where he was responsible for the high volume all-day dining outlet, and over a thousand functions.

In 2017 he was handpicked as one of the opening team members for Medan Selera, the first halal restaurant in SkyAvenue, before moving on to his latest position at The Olive. In this modern Malaysian restaurant, Zulfakha is in charge of curating culinary experiences which will introduce the richness and complexity of Malay cuisine to diners new to this food heritage, while also ensuring the continued commitment to authenticity to those familiar with these dishes.

Much of traditional Malay cooking is guided by the innate knowledge of a cook of their ingredients. The challenge of delivering food that tastes as if it has come out of a beloved relative’s kitchen lies in both technical accuracy, and skill. Says Zulfakha, “Anyone who has watched their mothers, aunts or grandmothers cook will probably be familiar with how they appear to ‘magically’ guess the amount of spices required. Our older folk cooked by feel – a pinch of salt, handfuls of chillies, thumbs’ widths of ginger and lemongrass. At Resorts World Genting we go to great lengths to ensure consistency, which is why the use of accurate measurement of ingredients is part of our operating procedures. However, at the end of the day, when dealing with natural ingredients, there is always a certain aspect of guesswork involved, and that is when us chefs come in. A dish may be prepared exactly to the recipe, but it may so happen that the ginger that day was less potent than usual, or the chillies are hotter than expected. That is when our taste buds are called in, and our recipes tweaked in order to deliver a dish that consistently tastes the same, and evokes the same positive feelings that they used to.”

The appetite-whetting menu at The Olive features some well-known Malaysian favourites like chicken and lamb satay, and freshwater catfish in preserved durian (ikan patin tempoyak), while also introducing authentic regional tastes to diners. Among the dishes presented by Zulfakha and his team are a variety of biryani (lamb, lobster, tiger prawn), claypot lobster, honey roasted ox tail, grilled tiger prawns, and mango salad with mackerel. “Even in the dishes known to our guests, we try to incorporate something different and special. For instance, our satay does not come with the usual pressed white rice cubes, but a special type of ketupat which uses black glutinous rice and is wrapped in palas leaves,” shares the chef.

Zulfakha’s hope when diners come to The Olive is that he and his team will be able to elicit memories of their guests’ old days, or, that the food savoured will become a memory worth reliving even when guests leave the restaurant or country.