Wildlife Sanctuary


Functions of Wildlife Sanctuary

Wildlife are usually more active at night than during the day in wild. The Wildlife Hide provides a guarded and guided opportunity to watch small and large mammals.




For Night Time Wildlife Hide

The majority of small and large mammal species are active at night. This facility, which is located in the Awana BIO Park's Upper Dipterocarp Forest, offers the opportunity to conduct night-time Wildlife Watching of large mammals such as Wild Mountain Goats, Wild Deers, Wild Boars, and the Black Panther, which has a territorial home in the Awana BIO Park's forests.


For Insect Watching

The elevated location of the wildlife hide overlooking the Awana BIO Park below is a good site for drawing a variety of insects especially large Moths and Beetles to lighted screens.


For Herping

Herping is the activity usually conducted at night in search of Amphibians, Reptiles and Snakes. The walk along the Awana Trail leading to the wildlife hide provides a good opportunity to sight them.


For Stargazing

The elevate location of the wildlife hide faces the route of rising and setting zodiac constellations which offers a good opportunity to enjoy stargazing on clear nights.


For Stakeout Overnight Camping

Stakeout Overnight Camping is a experiential research based outdoor camping that focus on observing wildlife during the night.